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HyposerotonergicTM Migraine Medical Food (HMMF)

Bottles #1 and #2 manage symptoms caused by migraine-associated hyposerotongergic conditions.

Bottle #1 must be started first. It contains required nutrients not found in Bottle #2.

Bottle 1 Label
Bottle 1 Image
Bottle 1 Label

Bottle 2 Image

These medical foods address the ability of

serotonin precursors to deplete dopamine and glutathione.

occur when serotonin concentrations are not enough, low, inadequate, depleted, deficient, or suboptimal on a modified normal diet.TM

occur when dopamine concentrations are not enough, low, inadequate, depleted, deficient, or suboptimal on a modified normal diet.TM

occur when glutathione concentrations are not enough, low, inadequate, depleted, deficient, or suboptimal on a modified normal diet.TM

  • Giving only serotonin precursors can deplete dopamine and glutathione.TM
  • Giving only dopamine precursors can deplete serotonin and glutathione.TM
  • Giving only glutathione or glutathione precursors can deplete serotonin and dopamine.TM
The centrally acting monoamines (monoamines) are serotonin, dopamine, norephinephrine, and epinephrine.